Flight Facts
This page is a collection of facts, figures and other goodies for anyone interested in Flight. (If there is anything else you would like to see contact me through the comment page or via e-mail and let me know.)
- Notes and Editions:
*all files are in .pdf format - Original Notes for the story
- *A note about the notes: I create my paragraphs with the first line flush to the edge and each subsequent line in the paragraph indented. I have no real reason for this aside from the fact that it just helps me see the shape of the story better. The notes are also written as if I'm talking to myself at times, so they may not make a lot of sense throughout the document. Mostly, this is just for myself, but I'm making it vailable for anyone who might be interested.
- Original Version of Part Three - because it is has been edited to the point that it is a completely different book and I figure a person or two might be interested to see how I had originally got to relatively the same ending.
- The First Draft (complete with spelling and grammatical errors)
- "Edition 1" (edited story, but retaining much of the original storyline and flow)
- "Edition 2" (the whole story as a single .pdf file)
- Flight Stats:
- Initial word count: 371,700
- Edition 2 word count: 448,477
- Began writing: Friday February 16, 2007 7:23:54PM
- First completed: Thursday September 27, 2007 1:43AM
- Last update: Wednesday September 17, 2008 2:54AM
- Body Count: 18
- Pages: 849
- Paragraphs: 17,145
- Lines: 38,634
- Characters: 2,021,915
- Number of pages before M$ Word phailed: 541
- Number of Times Used:
- Olivia 3904
- Elliot 4181
- Cragen 704
- Monday 54
- Tuesday 91
- Wednesday 39
- Thursday 45
- Friday 68
- Saturday 52
- Sunday 57
- flight 16
- SVU 136
- coffee 112
- tear(s) 60 (182)
- hate 184
- love 221
- detective 444
- bastard 60
- everythings fine 19
Song List(songs mentioned in the book)
- While My Guitar Gently Weeps The Beatles
- American Pie Don McLean
- We Fall Down Donnie McClurkin
- Irreplaceable Beyonce Knowles (not available)
- Lately Stevie Wonder
- SexyBack Justin Timberlake
- Cello Suite No. 1 Prelude - Bach
- Nocturne Opus 72 No. 1 in E - Chopin
- Etude Opus 10 No. 1 in C - Chopin (not available)
- Clair de Lune - Debussy
- White Christmas Otis Redding